Theater on Television: A Discussion on the Creation of a Specialized Public Service Channel | Una televisione del teatro o una televisione sul teatro? Idee e riflessioni per istituire un canale tematico di servizio pubblico per lo spettacolo dal vivo

Italy joined the global celebration of World Theatre Day for the first time on March 27, 2010, marking a significant milestone in recognizing the importance of live performance. This event, initiated by UNESCO in 1961, highlights a renewed commitment to…

The trajectory of public funding for cinema. Is the French model a viable option? – L’evoluzione del sostegno pubblico alle imprese cinematografiche. Il modello francese diventa realtà?

The call for a "French-style" model for supporting the cultural industries has never been louder than in recent years. As policymakers grapple with the challenges of revitalizing the film and performing arts sectors, a significant development has emerged: the introduction…