The City of Flows

"City of Flows", edited by Mauro Magatti and Laura Gheradi, delves into the dynamic and interconnected nature of contemporary cities. The book features contributions from leading urban scholars, including Marc Augé, Vincent Kaufmann, Saskia Sassen, Nigel Thrift, and Patrick Le…

Researching to innovate: New tools and languages for communication | Ricercare per innovare. Nuovi strumenti e linguaggi per comunicare

Innovation is the buzzword used to justify actions and interventions in the cultural sector (and beyond). Museums are often at the forefront of experimentation and the introduction of ad hoc regulations, management structures, and new practices. It is worth following…

I festival tra impatto sul territorio e luogo di espressione per l’immaginario collettivo
Festivals between territorial impact and place of expression for the collective imagination

The practice of experiencing aesthetic contents far from specific places, usually in open or unusual spaces, which are not directly designed for art, like squares or streets. This is the main characteristic of festivals. Celebrations, events full of social relations,…