Experiences and Insights for a Shift Towards Environmental Protection | A proposito della protezione dell’ambiente: esperienze e spunti per una possibile transizione

Carlo Desideri and Emma Imparato's "Environmental Assets and Property" proposes an innovative model for managing protected areas in Italy. Unlike the current system, this model draws on successful experiences in France and the United Kingdom. Published in 2005, the book's…

L’Aquila needs CASE: Lessons from Friulian reconstruction | Dalla ricostruzione friulana alle vicende abruzzesi: altro che zona franca urbana, per l’Aquila ci vogliono C.A.S.E

This article compares the post-earthquake reconstruction efforts in Abruzzo with those in Friuli. It critiques the "where it was, as it was" approach and advocates for a more innovative solution: Sustainable and Eco-compatible Anti-Seismic Complexes (CASE). By enhancing housing and…