Benedetta Fasson





Benedetta Fasson is a 25 years old girl born and raised in Verona.

Benedetta studied, lived and graduated in Venice from the Academy of Fine Arts in
2017, then she moved to Urbino where she is currently studing Illustration at ISIA
(Upper Institute for Artistic Industries).
Her master’s thesis “Il Matto colorato” explores the work of Carlo Zinelli, an italian
outsider artist committed to a psychiatric hospital in Verona in 1947, lived there until
his death, producing hundreds of colorful gouaches, independent from canonic art,
and the relationship between his psychiatrist Vittorino Andreoli.

She is constantly interested in moments of everyday life, the way we perceive,
emotions, in fact each artwork emerges from her imagination and open up to us the
doors of her world taking us to familiar places.
Each element, has a function. It may in fact represent a feeling: love, motherhood,
pain, joy, sexuality.
These symbols allow viewers to find there own way based on their personal
experience. A mesh-up of references and feelings coexists in her works as in her
personal life.
Using different technical skills with the focus to share the same mood of the making
All supports are accepted and studied, from small notepads to her house walls.
She is actively involved with any creative project



Benedetta Fasson for Tafter Journal