Movie design e brand experience

While many brands have explored various communication strategies, only a few have been able to innovate by integrating sustainability into their core business. This paper showcases examples of brands that have achieved this, demonstrating a commitment to creating a better…

Cultural events as catalysts for change: The MI AMI Musica Importante festival in Milan | Gli eventi culturali come incubatori culturali. Il caso di MI AMI Musica Importante a Milano

Cultural events are a hallmark of postmodern society, fostering value creation through social interaction and shared learning. As like as cultural incubators, they tap into physical and digital spaces, communities, and online conversations, utilizing cutting-edge marketing and communication techniques. The…

Creating engaging cultural experiences through design-oriented narrative structures and metalanguages – Strutture narrative e metalinguaggi design-oriented per la fruizione del patrimonio culturale

A design-oriented approach to cultural heritage enjoyment entails transferring innovative processes to the cultural sector, leveraging local resources and the unique characteristics of each place. This systemic approach adds significant value by shaping specific concepts related to strategic design, communication…

I contributi dei visitatori come patrimonio culturale: il design per la partecipazione
Visitors’ contributions as cultural heritage: designing for participation

Abstract In this article, we approach the setting up of two public exhibitions and, in this sense, our goal is to offer the necessary tools in order to facilitate and support the contributions of the visitors to the exhibitions themselves.…

I festival tra impatto sul territorio e luogo di espressione per l’immaginario collettivo
Festivals between territorial impact and place of expression for the collective imagination

The practice of experiencing aesthetic contents far from specific places, usually in open or unusual spaces, which are not directly designed for art, like squares or streets. This is the main characteristic of festivals. Celebrations, events full of social relations,…