Made in Italy between «invention» and tradition. The hi-storytelling of past advertising and communication campaigns in the context of corporate historical archives and museums

Abstract   The paper discusses some explorative research investigating the creative re-use of past advertising and communication campaigns in the context of corporate historical archives and museums. From a preliminary literature review, the research analyzed in the field the experiences…

Arts and strategic communication in Italy and Spain: from sponsorship to corporate responsibility

The paper investigates the rise of business communication strategies based on culture and arts in Italy and Spain. As previous researches demonstrate, cultural communication can work as a strategic asset to develop corporate identity and reputation, enabling organizations to cultivate…

The discovery of arts and culture as global communication media. High-visibility experiences in the Italian and international scenario

If the powerful symbolic language related to artistic heritage can be considered the most brilliant intuition by first patrons and sponsors, during the last years the Italian scenario shows a real rush toward high-visibility cultural projects by global corporations, associating…

Analyzing the Network of the Italian Cultural Institute of Copenhagen. Reactions to the Farnesina Reform and Promotion of the Sistema Italia

The Italian Cultural Institutes are not just pivotal elements of the Italian cultural diplomacy but also crucial tools to promote Italian culture and language. The Reform of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010) determined a reorganization of both the internal…

Theater on Television: A Discussion on the Creation of a Specialized Public Service Channel | Una televisione del teatro o una televisione sul teatro? Idee e riflessioni per istituire un canale tematico di servizio pubblico per lo spettacolo dal vivo

Italy joined the global celebration of World Theatre Day for the first time on March 27, 2010, marking a significant milestone in recognizing the importance of live performance. This event, initiated by UNESCO in 1961, highlights a renewed commitment to…

Rebuilding Abruzzo’s historic centers: A post-earthquake challenge | La sfida della rinascita post-terremoto dei centri storici abruzzesi

The inevitable has happened. The growing protests of the citizens of L'Aquila, and of the inhabitants of the other towns damaged by the April earthquake, reflect, as expected, a radically different climate compared to previous national traumas, both in terms…