Museum’s self-financing capacity: axes of development to increase Italy’s 1.737 billion euros worth cultural heritage self-generated income.

In Italy, performance measures linked to museums’ self-financing capacity have been systematically disregarded, as cultural heritage has been traditionally considered as a sector incapable of being a State’s profit generating asset. This article aims at outlining innovative revenue streams that…

Cultural intelligence and internationalization: An approach to cultural and creative organizations

Cultural intelligence is defined as “a person’s capability for successful adaptation to new cultural settings, including cognitive, motivational and behavioral aspects”. This paper investigates how the adaptation processes recognized and studied in individuals can be applied to cultural and creative…

Globalization and the Contemporary Art Market | Globalizzazione e mercato dell’arte contemporanea

The contemporary art market, a complex system of interconnected actors, is undergoing significant transformation due to globalization. This paper explores how globalization influences both the demand for and supply of contemporary art, analyzing the various structural components of the market…

The trajectory of public funding for cinema. Is the French model a viable option? – L’evoluzione del sostegno pubblico alle imprese cinematografiche. Il modello francese diventa realtà?

The call for a "French-style" model for supporting the cultural industries has never been louder than in recent years. As policymakers grapple with the challenges of revitalizing the film and performing arts sectors, a significant development has emerged: the introduction…