Culture is coming, maybe.

It’s clear that in the next years, our society will experience a great technological shift: there is plenty of great-new-things next door, and most of them are based upon one word: “content”.
It is the case of the metaverse or the case of the NFT evolution, but it is also the case of the IoT protocol or the home automation: as a society, today we are called to produce and consume an amount of content never seen before in our human history.
Content, however, is not culture.
Content is content, as well as information, are information.
Is for this reason that reducing the gap between content and culture should be one of our most important concerns.
It is a huge challenge, that deserves to be more acknowledged because the difference between “content” and “culture” hides profound cultural idiosyncrasies and generational gaps.
Looking at the inner structure of our society, it clearly emerges that those institutions which should be train citizens in developing awareness about the “vision of the world” carried on by new technologies are the institutions that most of all should be trained about it.
Educational systems, as well as cultural institutions, look at the digital transformation mostly as a “communication display”: they’re more involved in understanding how to promote their events using TikTok than understanding which kind of knowledge should be developed in order to foster independent thinking amongst new generations.
It’s not a “fault” since these kinds of institutions are structurally unprepared for this.
We should simply face the facts: most Italian institutional museums do not provide visitors with an informatic ticketing system or do not use CRM to register information about their visitors in order to interact with them.
So, on one hand, we live in a world grown with paper and pen, and on the other hand, we have generations growing with metaverses and blockchain.

It’s clear that in the next years, our society will experience a great technological shift: there is plenty of great-new-things next door, and most of them are based upon one word: “content”.
It is the case of the metaverse or the case of the NFT evolution, but it is also the case of the IoT protocol or the home automation: as a society, today we are called to produce and consume an amount of content never seen before in our human history.
Content, however, is not culture.
Content is content, as well as information, are information.
Is for this reason that reducing the gap between content and culture should be one of our most important concerns.
It is a huge challenge, that deserves to be more acknowledged because the difference between “content” and “culture” hides profound cultural idiosyncrasies and generational gaps.
Looking at the inner structure of our society, it clearly emerges that those institutions which should be train citizens in developing awareness about the “vision of the world” carried on by new technologies are the institutions that most of all should be trained about it.
Educational systems, as well as cultural institutions, look at the digital transformation mostly as a “communication display”: they’re more involved in understanding how to promote their events using TikTok than understanding which kind of knowledge should be developed in order to foster independent thinking amongst new generations.
It’s not a “fault” since these kinds of institutions are structurally unprepared for this.
We should simply face the facts: most Italian institutional museums do not provide visitors with an informatic ticketing system or do not use CRM to register information about their visitors in order to interact with them.
So, on one hand, we live in a world grown with paper and pen, and on the other hand, we have generations growing with metaverses and blockchain.
On one hand the role of the experts, on the other hand, the role of the crowd: Michelin Guide vs TripAdvisor.
Meanwhile, the average age of museum directors, public decision-makers, and political representatives is visibly growing, and this condition risks to make the distance between the cultural world and new generations even bigger.
In this scenario, it is more and more urgent that cultural institutions should re-define, once again, their role in our society.
The risk is to reduce museums and libraries in just a particular kind of “databases”, a specific typology of entertainment among others.
The risk is that our cultural world will reflect just a little piece of our society, delegating to the technology world also this role.