Cultura. Punto e accapo

Nato dal confronto di un gruppo di tecnici attivi nel settore culturale, “Cultura. Punto e accapo” è un Programma chiaro e sintetico e un prontuario di cinquanta “parole chiave” pensato per essere una piattaforma di confronto e, al tempo stesso,…

Museums as Part of the Landscape: Risk Management and Cultural Heritage | Musei e territorio: la gestione del rischio nei confronti del patrimonio culturale

The increasing incidence of natural disasters, both domestically and internationally, has heightened concerns regarding their potential impact on cultural heritage. A fundamental step is to categorize disasters, which can be attributed to natural causes like earthquakes, droughts, or volcanic eruptions,…

Key Themes Emerging from the UNESCO World Forum on Culture and the Cultural Industries | Il forum mondiale Unesco sulla cultura e sulle industrie culturali. UNESCO World Forum on Culture and the Cultural Industries

The first UNESCO World Forum on Culture and the Cultural Industries, held in Monza last September, marked a significant milestone in recognizing the economic potential of culture. This paper delves into the reasons behind this growing recognition, highlighting the role…

Researching to innovate: New tools and languages for communication | Ricercare per innovare. Nuovi strumenti e linguaggi per comunicare

Innovation is the buzzword used to justify actions and interventions in the cultural sector (and beyond). Museums are often at the forefront of experimentation and the introduction of ad hoc regulations, management structures, and new practices. It is worth following…