Patrimoni immateriali & design thinking. La “dote” di un designer nel progetto E.CH.I., Etnografie italo-svizzere per la valorizzazione del patrimonio immateriale dell’area transfrontaliera. Un’esperienza in corso

Il “Design Thinking”, in quanto processo sociale creativo che ruota intorno alla “costruzione” delle idee, si differenzia dal metodo lineare analitico che prevede l’esecuzione sequenziale delle fasi facendo spazio, al contrario, a fasi non lineari che possono avvenire simultaneamente o…

The revolution of Eco Art

In these weeks, ending on 20th December, Reggio Calabria is hosting “Exhibition of recycled materials and eco-design”, the first Eco Art event ever realised in southern Italy. Promoted by the Department of Environmental Policies of the province of Reggio Calabria,…

Design as a Tool for Territorial Enhancement: The Example of Rione Sanità | Il design per la valorizzazione territoriale. Il caso del Rione Sanità a Napoli

How can design be leveraged to enhance urban and social environments? This paper explores the relationship between design and territory, examining the methodologies, practices, and tools used to create sustainable, design-driven futures. Through a case study of bottom-up development, we…

Integrating design into placemaking: The “Furniture & Territory” educational project | Design e sistema territorio. L’esperienza didattica del progetto “Arredo & Territorio”

The "Furniture & Territory" project involved the creation of custom-designed furniture for the Turin Olympic valleys. By collaborating with European design students and local artisans, the project aimed to enhance public spaces, promote local craftsmanship, and foster a deeper connection…

Lighting up the city: Urban explorations at the intersection of art and design | Illuminando la città. Esperienze urbane tra arte e design

The contemporary city is a palimpsest of innumerable stories. The constant need for new events demands a continuous design practice. Installations become like layers that are constantly being added and removed. The traditional languages of art, advertising, design, and architecture…

Creating engaging cultural experiences through design-oriented narrative structures and metalanguages – Strutture narrative e metalinguaggi design-oriented per la fruizione del patrimonio culturale

A design-oriented approach to cultural heritage enjoyment entails transferring innovative processes to the cultural sector, leveraging local resources and the unique characteristics of each place. This systemic approach adds significant value by shaping specific concepts related to strategic design, communication…