Just at this moment, somehow or other, Alice and the red Queen began to run. They were running hand in hand, and the Queen went so fast that it was all she could do to keep up with her: and…
All human, personal, economic and political relations are based on the notion of trust. Nevertheless, which are the subjects actually reliable or, in other words, truly accountable? It is necessary to make such a concept measurable, particularly in the economic…
Una guida illuminata da una carriera accademica e professionale dedicata ai temi dell’economia della cultura e della creatività è l’ultimo lascito di Walter Santagata, recentemente scomparso, alla classe dirigente italiana.
Nato dal confronto di un gruppo di tecnici attivi nel settore culturale, “Cultura. Punto e accapo” è un Programma chiaro e sintetico e un prontuario di cinquanta “parole chiave” pensato per essere una piattaforma di confronto e, al tempo stesso,…
Culture lies at the heart of the European project's economic and political sphere. On the one hand, culture generates wealth; on the other, it is also a source of creativity and innovation, fostering dialogue and social cohesion, as well as…
The relationship between cultural activities and public funds is subject to an endless torment. As always, the hosts settle on opposite sides and to frighten the opponents adopt doomsday arguments. The most used adjective is ‘right’, which should find little…
Micro-sponsorship might become a way to develop seminal actions of culture and in particular require people to define through their financial support what makes their culture today, in other words, what should become a clear statement of their own heritage.…
The involvement of citizens in the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage and the creation and management of a tourist offer adapted to the needs of an evolved demand, and an increasingly competitive market: these are topics on which attention…
As European States are less and less involved in Heritage protection, new ways have to be found to safeguard historical buildings. Private structures such as “revolving funds” and “building preservation trusts” are part of them; respectively coming from the USA…
Che cosa vuol dire “bene comune” per i cittadini che nella cultura trovano ed elaborano la propria identità? E quali princìpi, regole e strumenti possono riuscire a proteggerne, consolidarne e diffondere il valore?
Stretti tra realtà linguistiche ed economiche ben più potenti e popolose, gli sloveni nella storia hanno sempre saputo difendere le proprie fondamenta: il territorio e la lingua come base della propria cultura. Questo paese spesso dimenticato e confuso con la…
President Obama has won the 2012 election and will be remaining in office for another four years. From an arts advocacy standpoint, Obama was clearly the favorable candidate for government arts funding.
En una España devastada por la crisis, la continuidad de ciertas grandes infraestructuras culturales en construcción está en tela de juicio. Después de 20 años de edificación intensiva de museos de arte contemporáneo, de salas de conciertos o de teatros,…
Che la realtà stia cambiando pochi hanno il coraggio di negarlo. Siamo dentro un mutamento epocale: parte dalla fine conclamata del paradigma economico e sociale che ci ha confortati per oltre due secoli, passa attraverso nuove consapevolezze e responsabilità, approda…
Nonostante sia il settore più inquieto e dinamico dell’economia italiana, la cultura fatica a rivendicare il proprio ruolo di preminenza nella nostra società. Fortunatamente tra l’obsolescenza di vecchi paradigmi, la rigidità del rapporto con l’amministrazione pubblica e un dialogo troppo…
Italy joined the global celebration of World Theatre Day for the first time on March 27, 2010, marking a significant milestone in recognizing the importance of live performance. This event, initiated by UNESCO in 1961, highlights a renewed commitment to…
To train the gaze, to teach sensitivity towards the community and the territory, to increase the awareness of the inhabitants through the use of unusual tools and keys of interpretation: here’s what happens when you use the video footage as…
The call for a "French-style" model for supporting the cultural industries has never been louder than in recent years. As policymakers grapple with the challenges of revitalizing the film and performing arts sectors, a significant development has emerged: the introduction…
Temporary exhibitions have emerged as a significant new product within the cultural market in recent decades. This development is particularly noteworthy in the context of museums' commercialization. Italy, with its vast cultural heritage and numerous institutions, has seen a surge…