Emergenza e prevenzione

Le emergenze in Italia sono numerose e possono dipendere dalla neve o dalla pioggia, dalle frane o dai terremoti. “Emergenza” ha anche il significato di “circostanza imprevista” ma gli eventi di natura emergenziale in Italia non sono mai imprevisti.

Museums as Part of the Landscape: Risk Management and Cultural Heritage | Musei e territorio: la gestione del rischio nei confronti del patrimonio culturale

The increasing incidence of natural disasters, both domestically and internationally, has heightened concerns regarding their potential impact on cultural heritage. A fundamental step is to categorize disasters, which can be attributed to natural causes like earthquakes, droughts, or volcanic eruptions,…

Integrating design into placemaking: The “Furniture & Territory” educational project | Design e sistema territorio. L’esperienza didattica del progetto “Arredo & Territorio”

The "Furniture & Territory" project involved the creation of custom-designed furniture for the Turin Olympic valleys. By collaborating with European design students and local artisans, the project aimed to enhance public spaces, promote local craftsmanship, and foster a deeper connection…

Rebuilding Abruzzo’s historic centers: A post-earthquake challenge | La sfida della rinascita post-terremoto dei centri storici abruzzesi

The inevitable has happened. The growing protests of the citizens of L'Aquila, and of the inhabitants of the other towns damaged by the April earthquake, reflect, as expected, a radically different climate compared to previous national traumas, both in terms…

Constructing futures for a vulnerable landscape. The Po Delta Observatory experience. – Costruire scenari per un territorio fragile. L’esperienza dell’osservatorio sul delta del Po

We are witnessing a process of aestheticization - of goods, services, and experiences - that is obscuring the meaning of design at all scales. How can design contribute to shaping the daily and future scenarios of a territory? How can…