L’esperienza dei Laboratori di Urbanistica Partecipata a Potenza: una iniziativa promossa da docenti dell’Università per una più efficace attuazione degli strumenti urbanistici

Negli ultimi decenni, la rilevanza del tema della partecipazione dei cittadini nei processi di trasformazione della città ha condotto a nuovi approcci al governo del territorio, mirati a coinvolgere la comunità seguendo un modello di sistema aperto, flessibile e reversibile…

David Chipperfield’s “City of Cultures”: A Case Study in Functional Conversion and Urban Regeneration | Conversione funzionale e ri-funzionalizzazione come strategia di rigenerazione urbana. Il progetto “La Città delle culture” di David Chipperfield per l’isolato ex Ansaldo

This paper explores the application of various urban regeneration strategies to the former Ansaldo site in Milan. By examining functional conversion, refunctionalization, and the creation of cultural and innovation hubs, the study highlights the complex challenges and opportunities of revitalizing…

Experiences and Insights for a Shift Towards Environmental Protection | A proposito della protezione dell’ambiente: esperienze e spunti per una possibile transizione

Carlo Desideri and Emma Imparato's "Environmental Assets and Property" proposes an innovative model for managing protected areas in Italy. Unlike the current system, this model draws on successful experiences in France and the United Kingdom. Published in 2005, the book's…

The Modena model: Participatory urban regeneration through the lens of the former Riunite Foundry project. An interview with Marianella Pirzio Biroli Sclavi L’esperienza modenese del progetto partecipativo ex Fonderie Riunite. Intervista a Marianella Pirzio Biroli Sclavi

A unique international competition has been launched to repurpose Modena's former Riunite Foundry, building on the outcomes of a participatory process involving local institutions and citizens. This innovative project, characterized by its scale and quality, was made possible by the…

The evolution of building rehabilitation: Innovative approaches for the reuse of historic centers in the Agri Valley, Basilicata – Dal recupero edilizio a proposte innovative per il riuso dei centri storici della Valle dell’Agri in Basilicata

Basilicata's Agri Valley offers a compelling case study in local development. While this area has been shaped by extensive oil extraction, it is now turning its attention to the recovery and reuse of its smaller historic centers, leveraging its abundant…